Olerki asmatua
Nire lehenengo bizikleta
Nire bizikleta da
munduko onena.
Brumn, brumn, brumn
munduko azkarrena.
Tomatea bezala gorria
nirentzat oso handia.
Ia nire frutarik
onena bezala sandia.
Hain zen polita ezen
izena ipini nion Fuego!
Nire bizikletarik onena
beti izango da Fuego!
Paula Bikandi SanMillan
3.ziklo.Talde laranja Ezkia gela
Nire lehenengo baloia
Nire lehenengo baloia
A ze ilusioa!
Benetan poztuta
nengoen ni!
Futbolean jolasten, saskibaloian ere,
beti baloiarekin
etxean eta kalean
etxean kontuz ibili behar,
kalean ez hainbeste.
Ni eta nire burua
Ni batzuetan zoriontsu,
beste batzuetan ez.
Ni gehienetan
nirekin pozik,
baina batzuetan ez.
Ni ez naiz perfectua,
baina ni naizen modua,
gustatzen zait
eta ez dut horrela
izaten utziko.
Ibon Villagrasa
3.zikloa. Talde laranja Ezkia gela
There are lots of famous people inthe world. Some of their homesare quite famous,too
The Forbidden city
The Forbidden city in Bejing (China)is a big place.
It is the lorgest palace in the world . It took 15 years to build.
For 500 years it was the winter home of the emperars of China.
In summer they moved to the summer palace 12 kilometeres away.
Today The Forbidden city is a museum
Home for a queen
Buckingham palace and Windsor castle
When she is in london she lives in Buckingham palace.
The queen´s man home is Windsom castle.
It is one of the largest castle in the world.
It took 15 hours to put out the fire.
The fire destroyed a big part of the castle, but wast of it is how built again.
The white house
The white house is un U.S.A
It is the house of the American President.
43 president have lived there and the firts white house was built in 1.800.
5000 people visit the white house every day.
It has 6 floors, 132 nooms, 412 doons and 3 elerators.
It has 28 fineplaces, 35 bathrooms and tennis count.
The white house has 1 swimming pool, 1 bouling alley a movie theatre and a jogging track too.
Andoni, Iñigo and Leire
White group 3 cycle
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